AMP Health Coaching

Your best life is created from a stable foundation of body, mind, and spirit.
I help you build yours.

Rediscover your strongest self.

This is coaching that goes beyond simply lifting weights and cutting carbs. With a focus on eliminating the mental components that prevent weight loss, proper self-love and overall joy, I’ve helped hundreds of others take it one step at a time to accomplish their goals. With me, and by nurturing all parts of yourself, you can achieve your goals too.

“This is how you find your strongest most fulfilled self!”

Signing up is easy:

Step 1: Book your free call.

Step 2: Together, we’ll plan out your action steps.

Step 3: Achieve your goals!

The entire process is incredibly easy.

Nick Zell, AMP Health Coach

I know what it's like to feel stuck and unhappy. I know what it's like to believe there's more to me than what other's see. I know what it's like to think, "there's more to life than this."
And a couple of years ago, I was given the opportunity to give a TWD Talk (similar to TED Talks). I invite you to take a few minutes to see exactly why I might be your best bet for making lasting life changes.
I’ve been there, I know, and it is possible to change even the hardest things during the hardest times. In fact, that might be when it’s best!


If you’ve got questions…

I get it. For me, it started with realizing that I needed to make a change for myself after some very serious life events... Then, after a lot of trial and error, I finally figured it out. Since then I've helped hundreds of people reconnect their body, mind and spirit to find and KEEP the strongest version of themselves.
In that process, I have found that real connection - relationships - are stronger and work better than just simple accountability!
Take a listen to these training videos and see if your experience lines up.


1. Have you already tried everything and nothing worked?

2. Are you looking for certainty?

3. How are you showing up?

4. What should you expect when you book a call?

How does it work?

Together we’ll focus on 3 main components and guide you to the person you know you can be.

  • Body

    We’ll asses your nutrition, movement, and daily life and together we’ll make small tweaks here and there so that we can really move the needle.

  • Mind

    The way we behave is directly related to what we believe. So, whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right.
    Your thoughts and self beliefs DO matter. Together we will rewire thought patterns for permanent joy and motivation.

  • Spirit and Heart

    This is who you are at your core and it needs to be taken care of and nurtured right along the body and mind. Because if one part of you suffers, the rest will too.

Real people. Real results!

Lynette - Re+Activate client

Tanya - Re+Activate client


Teara - Re+Activate client

Gina - Re+Activate client


More Results. From Happy People.


Don’t wait!

It costs nothing to find out more, and everything if you don’t.