3 Food Routines That Will Help Move the Needle

It's so easy to have quick and convenient foods. And they're supposed to make your life easier, right? 

But it  leaves you craving... And feeling lethargic, bloated or overfull, and even out of control when it comes to your food. It leaves you wondering, "How can I fix this?"

We believe it should be simple. We have the process down and we've helped tons of people get past this exact same struggle. 

And it's exactly why we're diving into healthy habits and food routines today. 

Listen in to go from having those heavy cravings, feeling tired and out of control… To feeling more healthy, energized and in control of your health! 

A big part of it comes to your relationship with food and what happens over time. Yo-Yo dieters tend to really miss the mark because  drastically changing what you eat overnight and expecting to not miss ALL the things you just immediately eliminated is HARD.

 It’s difficult, it’s hard to remember and trains our brains to think that being healthy is hard and it sucks. How long can you really expect to do something that sucks?

Routines and establishing good consistent habits are really the biggest help in getting a healthier relationship with your food. We all have our vices and the things we want to indulge in from time to time, but if you have habits and routines built around eating healthy so it won’t throw you off nearly as much when you do decide to have something you normally wouldn’t.

It's also important to note that you don’t want to be too strict with your eating habits either. If you make things super restrictive, it’s going to make things a bit more challenging…. Start off slow and build your routine around your life and allow for some flexibility.


Big take-aways:

  1. Give yourself a cut off point in the evening where you don’t eat past a certain time. For example, let’s say 8pm. Then stick to that! 

  2. Setting the intent to stay healthy is super impactful. Saying “no” at the store is much easier than saying “no” when it’s in the pantry and screaming at you to eat it. 

  3. Start with one new step at a time. Make sure it fits and works in your life and doesn’t over complicate things for you. You might have to experiment, because what works for someone doesn’t work for everyone.

For more on this topic and creating strong healthy habits, visit our podcast here, or anywhere else podcasts are found! 

We believe that you deserve to have a strong and stable foundation for health so take us up on this amazing offer and let us help you find your success!!

As a bonus, you can get 25% off our program if you sign up to work with us individually or 50% if you sign up with n accountability buddy: a friend, family member, spouse for example. You have to sign up by April 30th to get this special pricing so don’t wait too long to sign up or you’ll miss it!

Visit https://www.contracostafitness.com/coaching to book your first call and take advantage of that deal!


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