Re+Activate, with Nick Zell

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This Morning Routine Will Boost Your Success in Any Health Goal

Morning Routines: Set in Stone - 3 Pointers that WORK!

It's all about removing friction, and setting the foundation, so that you can live more peacefully and more successfully!
Click here to hear the podcast episode!

But if you want the spark notes, I'm with ya! Here we go:

✅ How to always wake up on the right side of the bed

The big question! Are you a morning person?

It's such a silly question to me because I don't believe that any one is a “morning person.”

 Even a self-proclaimed morning person enjoys pulling the blankets up on a Sunday morning and sleeping in an extra hour or two. Which means they enjoy sleeping in! We all do.

 I think the real question is: What side of the bed did you wake up on?
Was it the side where you have your morning planned out or the side of the bed where you just wing it when you get up and hope you don’t forget anything?

We've all been there!

But the reality of the situation is to always have a plan. It doesn't have to be complicated, in fact it's best to keep it as simple as possible. I personally, I'm a winger. But NOT when it comes to my health, and especially not my mornings. I can't be. Because when I skip part of my routine I’m way less productive, I’m less driven, and that mood carries into everything that I do.

So to wake up on the right side of the bed, just pick something that would make you happy and give you a solid foundation to each and every day and simply give yourself 15 minutes to do it. Then tell yourself you are going to do that every morning, especially if it was good for you!

Ok so maybe you don’t have 15 minutes, maybe you only have 5 or 10 or even just 1. That's ok, do it anyway! Even for just 60 seconds can really have an impact on the rest of your day and even week.

This is the start of creating your Morning Routine and a sure way to start out on the right side of the bed!

✅ Creating purposeful intention: help, not hindrance

Using the action from above it can be easy to overwhelm yourself. That's why we say stick to one thing at a time!

But just as importantly it's important to pick things that will work well for you in the specific morning hours. Otherwise, you're just going to frustrate yourself and that is just not worth it!

Routines are really just habits we're trying to develop over time. That's why the following don't tend to work:

  • Diets: they typically aren't sustainable for the long run, leads to boredom and poor relationships with food, sometimes even to the point of eating disorders

  • 30 Day Fitness Challenges: these are very sudden and drastic change in activity without rest, they also allow the notion that 30 days are good enough and at the end of it people will lose their results that they may have gained because they won't continue due to mental and physical burnout

  • New Years Resolutions: these are often given up before 30 days! People don't realize there are more than just a couple of steps between now and losing 20 lbs, not to mention the process that it takes to being able to keep that off!

The problem with these things is that there is no room for mistakes, no room for pleasure, and no room for rest. They focus simply on the finish line, but haven't even started the race yet.

For example, if you want to run a marathon, you can't just buy the shoes. You've got to go through the training methods!

Focus more on the process that it takes to set a routine in stone rather than focusing on the finish line! Otherwise you'll be starting with, yep you guessed it, a poor foundation!

Keep in mind that you need to allow yourself time to decide if the things you are adding to your morning routine are going to help or hinder, and maybe what you could do to move them into the “help” side of things. To do so, look at 2 notions:

  1. Take a look at the other things that are already working in your routine

  2. Will this new thing be helpful or stressful to what's already working? Can you modify what you’re already doing to be successful at it?

✅ Staying true to yourself

It's really important to point out that is the most important thing to think about and not get caught up in comparing yourself to other people. Comparison is the one thing that can completely shatter what you're trying to accomplish before you start.

This is where some prioritizing comes in handy.

What are those things that you NEED to get done in the mornings and can’t do at any other time during the day? What will move you forward without hindrance in any other way?

If it is a positive feeling; Calm, Productive, Prepared, Organized, Motivated, Energized, Inspired… anything that makes you feel good, then it’s a go.

So make sure you are adding just one thing at a time and make sure everything works together so you don’t get that feeling of frustration and overwhelm in the mornings.

It might sound like a lot, but it’s kind of like putting together a puzzle, and once you find that one piece that you’ve been looking for it will feel so relieving and fulfilling!

Next week we'll be diving into routines later in the day! Which is just as important as morning routines, so stay tuned!

To get help reaching and crushing your goals in a SMART way, join the Clean Club now!

Again, feel free to reach out let me know if there's anything I can do to help ya out in developing more purposeful routines so you can live more peacefully and successfuly!