Restarting Your Motivation

If the last 6 weeks have taught me anything, it's that sometimes you just need a hard reset. 

Ever felt guilty for not doing something you should be doing? Or maybe you felt guilty for doing something that you know you shouldn't be doing? 

I get it. But, right now I want you to let it all go. Let all the guilt, the self shame, the resistance… Just let it go. 

Otherwise you’re just going to keep looping back around to this very spot, with those very same feelings.

There's no sense in torturing yourself for something that you're biologically not ready to do (or not do) at this particular moment in time.

So if you’ve found yourself in a loop like this, one of the best things that you can do is to take a step back and do a hard reset.

This might mean that you are taking some time away from the gym, eating healthy, being sober, whatever! And instead you’re giving yourself the grace and the understanding that you might give someone else who is having a hard time with a similar struggle. 

To restart the fire in your belly, the motivation that you need to see this through, it could be easier than you think. Sometimes all it takes is to take a break.

I know what you’re thinking… “if I take a break, I’m going to spiral out of control!” Ok, sure, maybe. But if you’re concerned about that happening, then it likely won’t happen at all! Give yourself a break!! See what I did there…? 

Take a day, take a week, take a month. It's fine, no one's perfect! That extra time to just chill out and NOT feel guilty might be exactly what you need to come back to it and tackle it again. 

The last 6 or 7 weeks, I stepped away from everything that I was doing that was causing me stress in any way shape or form. Anything that was causing me angst and anxiety, and I went into a mindless routine.

What I mean by this is that I took a step back from what had become my reality, my day to day. And honestly, the first few days were tough, I felt SUPER guilty… at first. 

But by the end of the second week I almost completely let go of everything that was bothering me, slowing me down, keeping me from achieving pretty much anything. And in the following weeks I was able to allow the motivation to return. By just taking that step back and focusing on other priorities, like myself and my personal being, I was able to find new strategies and techniques to tackle problems that I was struggling with before. When I returned to the “real world”, so to speak, I was able to focus on real solutions to the problem, not just the problem itself.

It gave me room to breathe! 

And now that I'm back at it, attacking all the things with the fervor I had when I first started my business, I feel good about it. I feel fired up, and I know that with this fire in my belly I'll be able to continue until I push past the goals that I had set for myself years ago, both in business and personally.

In just one week back in this “real world” I've already accomplished more than I had two or three months leading up to my hard reset. 

So whatever your goal is, be it financially, personally, fitness oriented, or mentally oriented, or if you’re like me - all of the above - sometimes all you need to really push past what you're struggling with right now is to do a hard reset on your motivation. 

How to accomplish this reset?

I know that not most people, including myself, have the luxury of letting everything go. But you can start by simply taking a quick self assessment of everything you think you should be doing day in and day out, and prioritizing it. Do you really need to do it all every single day? 

Maybe you find that right now what you really need is a greasy burger. Frickin’ go for it! Maybe you need to go nuts at an ice cream shop, do it up! 

Maybe you gotta shut yourself in a room for a weekend and not do anything but sob into a pillow, that’s fine, too.

As long as you don’t go completely overboard, you’ll be able to bounce back super quickly. And when you do, take it one step at a time. 

For example, I stopped all the big important things I knew that I had to do every single day for… eh, a few days at most. 

Then I gave myself tasks that I knew I would enjoy and was good for me, like getting a gym membership and committing to a few days per week. 

At the end of 2 weeks of this, I was going 5-6 days per week! And I was actually enjoying it! 

Then I started on the next task! 

It really is that simple.

We live in a world and society that says we need to attack everything head on and be successful 100% of the time. But how real is that, really??

 It’s not real, it’s not real at all!!! So don’t try to be perfect because you’ll just burn out and everything you want to happen… won’t. Truth. 

Instead, give yourself the break you need, knowing you’ll come back at it with fire in your belly! And ya know, ya might even accomplish something. 

Need some clarity? Wanna figure out what you should be doing instead of what you are doing?

I get it and I’d love to help. Let’s book a call together and talk about how to reset your motivation!


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